Old SF-Fandom Blog

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All Your Tolkien Scholars Are Blog To Us

The Tolkien Studies on the Web blog has an article listing every blog and article archive I could find for real Tolkien scholars (mostly people who have been published in the various academic journals, or who have published credible books, etc.). This project was a long time coming because every time I have wanted to look up certain Tolkien scholar blogs I have had to spend a lot of time looking for them.

Frustration finally drove me to collect as many of these Websites into a list as I could find, and thus was born “The Much Bemusing Bloggery of Online Tolkien Scholarli”. I’ll eventually add the list to the Webliography for Tolkien Studies on the Web.

I also asked the Mythopoeic Society’s mailing list for suggestions and they were able to name quite a few sites I had overlooked. Hopefully, after I have time to organize my notes and update the Webliography, it will be easier for people to find these kinds of Websites in the future.

Meanwhile, a Tolkien fan on Twitter suggested I do something similar for the fansite archives. I’ll look into that soon, I hope, depending on my schedule.

2 thoughts on “All Your Tolkien Scholars Are Blog To Us

  1. When i saw LofTrings the first thing that hit me was “is this racist?” ive only seen each movie twice and i just finished reading the books for the first time with the help of cliff notes. and the question stays the same- was tolken raceist? in his tym many people where- it was the norm.

    “…for years, Tolkien scholars have waged a fight on two fronts: against an academic establishment that for the most part refused to take the author’s work seriously, and against white supremacists who have tried to claim the professor as one of their own… ”


    1. Tolkien was about as anti-racist as you can get, even by today’s standards. The Lord of the Rings and several of Tolkien’s other stories challenge the notion that any particular race is better than others. It is the humble hobbits, not the high elves and great men, who brought about the downfall of Sauron — and that is just the most obvious slap in the face to racism to be found in the story.

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